You've probably heard about the need for digestion supplementation, but are digestive enzymes safe for everybody? Well, enzymes for digestion are supposed to help with digestion exactly, so if the body needs them to perform its tasks, they have to be safe. Safe though they are you cannot have too much, and especially not too little of any particular digestive enzyme.
Well, lipase, an enzyme needed to break down and metabolize fat, is important, but too much lipase can be indicative of pancreatitis or the presence of stomach tumors that cause the pancreas to enlarge and cause the production of more lipase enzymes than normal. Individuals with higher levels of lipase than normal may present with symptoms associated with pancreatitis or diabetes, and these include chest pain, nausea and vomiting, sweating, and high sugar levels. On the other hand, too little of this fat-metabolizing enzyme will lead to discomforts after eating a high-fat meal. Lipase deficiency can cause abdominal pain, make the liver swell, and turn one yellowish.
Another important enzyme is amylase. Amylase is needed in the metabolism of carbohydrates. A great number of people are on a high-carb diet, and so they will need to monitor their amylase levels, especially if they are already in their mid-40s with signs of slow metabolism. They need to make sure that they do not go below the level that is required for this food group's complete digestion. A deficiency in amylase may result to mood swings, depression, PMS, hot flashes, inflammation, skin rashes, allergic reactions, body aches, and low blood sugar. Also just as important as these two enzymes is protease. Protease ensures the complete digestion of proteins. Not enough of this enzyme can cause constipation and fungal infections.
Deficiencies from these enzymes can be corrected by maintaining a healthy diet that includes mostly of raw foods (raw vegetables, in particular, have very high levels of digestive enzymes), vitamins and minerals (whether you get them from whole foods or in the form of supplement, it does not matter), a probiotic drink (this contains millions of good bacteria that aid in digestion), and a high quality enzyme supplement.
When choosing a digestive supplement, however, it is necessary to choose one that has the correct blend of enzymes that you need. If you are high on lipase already, then for obvious reasons, choose a product that does not have lipase, but which contains the other enzymes that are essential to you. This, of course, also goes to say that when your body requires just one specific enzyme you are not going to need a digestive enzyme blend but just one enzyme supplement in particular. Needless to say the availability of digestive supplements must not eliminate the need to embark on a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.
The answer to the question, then, are digestive enzymes safe, can be a yes or a no, depending on the levels of the digestive enzymes in your body.
And now, let me share with you the best digestive enzymes supplement I found which is from New Zealand.
Go to this website: http://bestdigestiveenzymesupplement.com to read more about it and how it can help you.
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