Men's health is the focus of this article. What is men's health you may be wondering? It refers to health issues specific to human male anatomy. It is a fact that men need to restore their testosterone levels after their 40s because this very important hormone begins to decrease slowly as you advance in age. By the time you hit 80 years, your testosterone levels will be about half of what it was when you were a strapping 20 year old youth.
When your testosterone levels are low, you are unable to function optimally sexually and this results in anxiety and stress, especially, if you are married. Testosterone also plays an important role in maintaining youthful neurological structure, alleviation of depression, and inducing fat loss in those who can't reduce body weight regardless of diet and exercise. Low testosterone is also associated with metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Male hormone replacement to youthful ranges in middle-aged and obese men may result in an increase in insulin sensitivity and a reduction in total cholesterol, fat mass, diabetes, and the metabolic syndrome. also plays a vital role in improving erectile function and sexual functional capacity in human males with heart weakness.
What are the Factors that Affect Testosterone Levels in Men?
• Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone produced from cholesterol. DHEA can yield either estrogens or testosterone via a two step enzymatic conversions. The level of DHEA does play a critical role in determining the levels of testosterone and estrogen in your blood. In aging men, DHEA alone can't sufficiently induce male hormone replacement.
• Aromatase is one of the most important factors that affect testosterone levels in men. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen thus developing the hormone levels.
• Obesity can reduce testosterone levels as well even in very young men below the age of 40.
• You liver removes excess estrogen and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) from the bloodstream. If your liver isn't functioning optimally then the result will be less testosterone and more estrogen leading to hormonal imbalance.
Male Hormone Replacement Therapy:
A growing number of men are taking testosterone to check the gradual decline of this important hormone. The hormone is not taken as a pill because it can affect your liver. Testosterone is known to be toxic to the liver.
For safety reasons you do need a physician's prescription before you can embark on an effective testosterone replacement therapy. An experienced physician will most likely prescribe bioidentical testosterone creams which you can buy from a local compounding pharmacy.
Other physicians may choose to prescribe prepackaged, hormonal patches and gels that have been approved by the FDA. Bioidentical testosterone increase free male hormone in the blood. Prepackaged testosterone gels are extremely expensive as compared to compounded versions.
The hormone is readily absorbed through the skin and all you have to do is rub it in. Spread it daily on the upper arms, shoulders and abdomen particularly after a sweet morning shower. For more information on male hormone replacement you may want to visit his website now.
Thanks for you visit.
Steve Wanjie is a blogger, Expert Internet Marketer and article writer.
Website: http://www.boost-your-low-testosterone.com/testosterone-booster.html
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert