Ok, so maybe my definition of "drinking water" is a little more loosely defined, but I promise that you will be right along with me by the end of this post. I am sure that most people agree that drinking water and keeping hydrated is quite important if you want your body to continue to function at an optimal level. Keeping hydrated is dually important for kids as well.
The fall season does not officially begin until September 23, so there is still a big chunk of summer left. Let this also serve as a reminder that it is also important to keep hydrated in the cooler months as well. Here are tips to keep your kids hydrated long after the lazy days of summer.
Be Consistent
Consistently offer your kids water at various times of day. Offering just plain, unadulterated water to your kids at different times of day will not only liken the chances that your child(ren) will partake, but will demonstrate to your kids that you think drinking water is very important. What is important to you will likely become important to them.
Be an Example
"Do as I say not as I do", really does not work for the long haul. If you want your kids to build healthy hydration habits that will last long after they have grown up and left your home then, you need to be an example. Opting for water instead of sodas, sugary drinks and other beverages will not only set a great example, it is a "drink to your health".
Offer Personalization
Giving your kids choices and options are a great to get them to drink more water. Offer them a choice of a special cup or mug in which they can drink their "sky juice". You may also give them the option of ice or no ice, chilled or room temperature variety. Does your little one have a favorite fruit? Offer pieces of fruit in the water for a naturally flavored variety. Citrus fruits, pineapples and cucumbers are great options! You didn't think that this was just for the spa did you? As another alternative, try offering juice that is diluted with water. Half of those fruit beverages are way too sweet anyway. Thirty to fifty percent dilution will do the trick.
Eat It
Maybe Weird Al Yankovic knew what he was talking about? It is a myth that water has to be poured to be counted into your 6-8 glasses. Offer kids a choice of fruits and veggies with high water content. Cucumbers, oranges, lemons, watermelons, peaches, apples, tomatoes, and grapes are very "water loving". Don't forget to offer personalization here too. Kids can help you choose and even "juice" their favorite fruits and veggies for a healthy treat.
Lisa is a true learner of life. Although much of her learning came from the scientific arena, she garners her lifestyle management lessons from any setting.
This self proclaimed "Domestic Life Stylist" is passionate about matters concerning the home and takes a multi-faceted approach to the topic from a modern mom's perspective.
For more information on cooking, travel, entertaining, budgeting, family health and overall home management tips go to http://thedomesticlifestylist.blogspot.com.
To learn Lisa's 21 practical and proven ways to save money visit
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